BikeSafety Servicepaker
Med en BikeSafety pakke er din cykel godt kørende i hele leasing perioden. Denne servicepakke er obligatorisk og medfølger både i 12, 24 og 36 måneders aftale periode
BikeSafety pakken er designet til at give dig tryghed. Derfor er service og reparationer inkluderet. Du kan derfor altid kigge forbi din Bike&co forhandler hvis du skulle have brug for assistance til en punktering, mekanisk nedbrud – Eller du bare vil have hjælp til at få lidt luft i dækkene og kæden smurt.
BikeSafety er gældende hos:
Den Bike&co butik der udleverer din nye cykel.
BikeSafety dækker ikke bevidst forkert brug af din cykel.
Dette er inklusiv i BikeSafety:
BikeSafety 12 mdr.: 1 udvidet serviceeftersyn, dette foretages typisk 6 måneder fra modtagelsen af cyklen. Alle reparationer, såsom udskiftning af slidte mekaniske dele er inkluderet. Fri adgang til at besøge din Bike&co butik ved spørgsmål eller behov for assistance.
BikeSafety 24 mdr.: 2 udvidet serviceeftersyn, dette foretages typisk 6 og 16 måneder fra modtagelsen af cyklen. Alle reparationer, såsom udskiftning af slidte mekaniske dele er inkluderet. Fri adgang til at besøge din Bike&co butik ved spørgsmål eller behov for assistance.
BikeSafety 36 mdr.: 4 udvidet serviceeftersyn, dette foretages typisk 6, 16, 24 måneder fra modtagelsen af cyklen. Alle reparationer, såsom udskiftning af slidte mekaniske dele er inkluderet. Fri adgang til at besøge din Bike&co butik ved spørgsmål eller behov for assistance.
**Bemærk at der kun er 24 måneders garanti på batteriet**
Service packages
BikeSafety Service Pack
With a BikeSafety package, your bike is running well throughout the leasing period. This service package is mandatory and is included in the 12, 24 and 36 month agreement period.
The BikeSafety package is designed to give you peace of mind. Therefore, service and repairs are included. You can therefore always look past your Bike & co dealer if you need assistance with a puncture, mechanical breakdown - Or you just want help to get some air in the tires and the chain lubricated.
BikeSafety is valid at:
The Bike & co store that delivers your new bike.
BikeSafety does not intentionally cover improper use of your bike.
This is included in BikeSafety:
BikeSafety 12 months: 1 extended service inspection, this is typically done 6 months from receipt of the bike. All repairs, such as replacement of worn mechanical parts are included. Free access to visit your Bike & co store if you have any questions or need assistance.
BikeSafety 24 months: 2 extended service inspections, this is typically done 6 and 16 months from the receipt of the bike. All repairs, such as replacement of worn mechanical parts are included. Free access to visit your Bike & co store if you have any questions or need assistance.
BikeSafety 36 months: 4 extended service inspections, this is typically done 6, 16, 24 months from the receipt of the bike. All repairs, such as replacement of worn mechanical parts are included. Free access to visit your Bike & co store if you have any questions or need assistance.
** Note that there is only a 24 month warranty on the battery **